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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

business and law degrees


business and law degrees
The Law of Attraction is not new secret revealed, it was him from a very humble man of God more than 2000 years ago." "Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of The Law of Attraction", "by Philip Harris presents a convincing argument that the law of attraction is not a modern paradigm shift. Harris describes the teachings of Jesus and his followers as a way of thinking, the knowledge of the inner sense that comes from the heart. Jesus, the scriptures in several references, for the firm conviction that faith is based on hope, not to know ....

Harris' in the study of Scripture and the biblical story provides unique perspectives and informed premises to support his discussion of Jesus' simple message. According to Harris, Jesus taught that we live in a unified world, free from ruling, in which we try our individual spirituality.

Organized religion is a man-institution, which teaches that the faithful about the dogmas of good, evil, sin and a punitive expedition God. The New Age Movement is not really new, so Harris. Since the beginning of 1800, the movement has shown the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations, and as such has followers Alcott, Emerson and Thoreau. Man has tried to analyze their thoughts and spiritual inner Christ through visualization since the first Saturday of the Apostles at the foot of the master.

"" Jesus Taught ..."" also explores the concept that a true meditative state is only when you are free from emotional, mental and physical baggage. By recognizing the fact that God is not exclusionary effect, you can reap physical, mental, psychological and emotional richness. Doubt the disorder.

"" Jesus Taught ..."" also presents complex theocratic beliefs in simple, straightforward language. The Law of Attraction to the strong influence of positive thinking in the acquisition of physical and material needs. Jesus taught that by these principles in the spiritual life, the physical and material needs are met as a natural consequence of their application. Harris challenges the reader, "" believe in the best with an inner conviction ... and it will in your life. "" This book is fascinating, but down-to-earth message will appeal to all readers who are on their spiritual horizons.

Title: Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of The Law of Attraction

Author: Philip Harris

Publisher: Avatar Publications

Date: 1 August 2007

ISBN: 978097800690

Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of http://www.mywritingmentor.com lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Iceland in the Puget Sound just a "ferry from Seattle. "" She maintains two blogs:

She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her cat copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top coaches in writing for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years for the processing of native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help authors make every word count.

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