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personal change is that 90% of people are looking for. Among the Christians, the number is probably higher, that is the reason why self-help books and" change "books are just some of the best seller every year. But in the church, which we already have the best book for the change is possible, the Bible! The problem is so often if we do not have in our lives we experience our view of the failure of the power of biblical truth, and after many errors (for some a life time of the disturbance), we have no more to the pages of God's Word to find the answers and force for change, but to us or to a worldly philosophy.
The picture of change in the Bible is that it is somewhat of a balancing act. For example, Philippians 2: 12-13 tells us that very strange picture. In verse 12 Paul says "work your own salvation, '" referring to the work we must do for change in our own lives, but in the next verse says, "It is God who in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure. "" So Paul urges the church to work on changes, but then quickly reminds them that only God can change! This seems confusing!
Some consequences:
There are some obvious things we can learn from this passage to change. First, there is some effort from our side when it comes to change. There are some actions and decisions taken by us in order for change in our lives. Secondly, we must recognize that we are apart from God "can not do anything!" "Only God provides the strength and force for change and no matter how much effort we invest, we will not be without God! This is the reason why so many of us do not change, we fail because we seek only our own force and leave God out of the picture (often without knowing it). Just as we combined the two?
Some Sweet Reconciliation:
I think the answer is simple, the actions that we need to do are the measures taken before God. Our part is to make the election (the faith) to do things God's way, and if we are actions God has He empowers us to them because they are in his plan. If I were you personally to God's plan for change in my life he is hereby authorized that change to happen, and it will happen. This truth is liberating but also leads to a harsh conclusion. Every time I do not change because I have to reject God's plan for change in my life!
The spiritual law full circle:
The spiritual law of the universe and of the change is: every time I try to change God, how I will change! God will always do what he has promised to do, so things his way, he has promised the power to change. Now you have to make a hard look at your life. If you do not see, or even to change the cultivation of the reason is clear, it is not on God's agenda for change in your life and you have no way to change. The question is, if that is applies to you, what do you do? Will you continue in your own way and your own strength or confess your sin and God's plan for change in your life?
I've found most frequently in my life, what I am against most is what God wants to change in me. The Holy Spirit is the word to condemn me to an area of sin in my life (sin, that I found, if I'm honest), and I will say: "God I know you want me to change this is, but I do not really want to change that yet. Just as we have in this area and then later change that. " It is this kind of thinking leads to stagnation in growth and unchanging Christians and we must do everything we can to root it out of our own lives! God only succeed if we are on His Book and His play, we just do not cut.
About the author: Tyler Collins spent 9 years bouncing from one office to another, which in love with the church. After 2 years he was interning in a church, where he was able to preach, to teach and minister in music and theater for people 5 to 50 years old. Now he is working on his master of divinity from the South-East Seminar. In the meantime, he has written curriculum for the Word of Life Church Ministries, plays for his church, and what is happening in their worship Teen Club. He is an employee write for a website for free articles and resources for a church ministry.
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