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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

and law degrees in


and law degrees in
The Law of Attraction or the Law of Vibration that your thoughts, your personal vibration. If you send your thoughts and emotionally to them, they are the things that you pull in your life. In other words, change the vibration and change your life.

When my husband went out the door with suitcases in hand, he actually gave me the time and space I needed for my development, healing and change. I was free of drama, expectations and conflicts, which allows me the perfect environment for growth. It was an ideal time to focus on forgiveness, gratitude and love. What a wonderful and precious gift!

I came late to the realization that the only thing I was right on the control was adequate, ME. I was ripe for change and new experiences.

I knew that I needed help, and knowing that God knows so much better than I, and also know that he wanted to bless me, I have a simple prayer.

The result is that the honest and dedicated prayer was that the people, resources and events I needed only to appear. The synchronicity was so scary that I knew without a doubt the source of them. It was impossible for me to these major events happen - completely and utterly impossible.

How wonderful it was for me! I knew that I loved. I knew I was supported. I knew with a certainty that my needs and desires are important. And it was me again that my personal prayers are an intimate and direct communication with God. The prayer has such a deeper personal and sacred power. This connection, which I love so much!

The opportunities and new friendships and the changes in me that I most value in this season of my life are directly traceable to that prayer sincere.

It was during this time I was with "The Secret" and the importance of knowing what you want to find out about the emotional and the desired results to visualize.

I got the idea of my life and then asked me what I wanted, instead of my current situation and would be based on these fantastic new ideas and I would travel companies. I have God in this process. I took every day to visualize my ideal life and found happiness and hope in this new vision of me. I have my "perfect life" so detailed I felt appropriate. I would like to read this new vision many times a week to concentrate on me and "" in the Groove "from my new adventure.

This process is me with enthusiasm and zeal to live my life, suppress nagging feelings of depression, sadness and guilt.

Of course, sometimes I was a little sad and depressed. But I found that my attention to my ideal, if I am down, the duration of these hard times and the intensity is reduced greatly. I have these feelings to flow through me, a place for all the good and I wanted to experience the feeling of tension on receiving them.

The law of vibration tells us that your thoughts, your personal vibration and thus, what to wear. The quickest way to change your life, if your vibration. Here are some examples of how your current vibration:

• Pray and ask that your vibrations are raised to maintain its high level.
• Be still and visualize and feel vibrations increase.
• to concentrate on what you want and be enthusiastic.
• If you are currently in a "Wee bit a snit" or a bad time, let it and learn. But remember, you always have the choice of maturity and "choose again. "" Choose a good idea.
• Focus on gratitude and love.
• Meditate and / or pray daily and visualize your desired results.
• Write down what you want and read it every day with the feeling of excitement and gratitude.
• friendships with peers and connect with them often.
• Read uplifting material.
• learn something new you always wanted to know.
• Take the creation of hiking tours where you can visualize and talk about everything you want to create.
• Create a "Gratitude Journal" list, where you things you feel grateful for.
• Wake each morning with a song in your heart. " "I literally took a" Happy Song "and opening before my eyes every morning, sing that song in my head.

If you change your mind and emotionally to them, you'll be awed at the changes that come. The best way to protect your vibration is to start thinking about your feelings of gratitude, love and hope.

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